Exercise drills and nutritional information tailored for golf designed to sharpen up your cardio and strength game ready to play and enjoy golf.

Generate More Power in Your Swing with Skate Lunges
Karen Palacios-Jansen demonstrates her speed skater exercise to move your hips through the full range...
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Advice for Golfers Handling a Long Term Injury
LPGA and PGA instructor Trillium Rose who recently recovered from a serious ankle injury shares an effective...
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Nutrition on the Golf Course
Would you change the way you eat if you knew certain foods could help you play better golf? Karen Palacios...
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Your Dynamic 5-Minute Golf Warm Up
Coach Shayain and Heather Smuin take you through the right exercises to do in your pre-round warm up...
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The Golf Specific Warm Up Routine
Karen Palacios-Jansen's workout warms up your muscles so that you're able to make a better turn. It helps...
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Create Hip Mobility for a Better Swing
Marvin Sangüesa explains how to enhance your golf flexibility with the Mountain Climbers exercise.
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Create Power in Your Golf Swing with the Clean and Press Exercise
Karen Palacios-Jansen and Christina Ricci show how the clean and press improves strength in your shoulders,...
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Warm Up and Create Power with Lateral Bounding
Learning to shift your weight properly is key to adding power to your swing. Karen Palacios-Jansen demonstrates...
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3 Planes of Motion in your Golf Swing
Have you heard the term 'Three Planes of Motion'? Yoga specialist Lauren McMillin explains how this applies...
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First Aid for the Golfer: What to Carry with You
Stay safe and comfortable on the course. Registered Nurse Heather Rhodes recommends the essential contents...
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Warming Up for Golf in the Summer
Even in the warmer weather, Karen Palacios-Jansen recommends that every round of golf you play and every...
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Your Pre-Round Warm Up Routine for Golf
Karen Palacios Jansen shares her quick and easy warm up that you can do before you play or practice,...
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Warm Up To Improve Your Golf Game

Katie Dahl, Director of Instruction at West Bay Club, shares her tips on how to warm up before playing golf to improve your game. These warm-ups involving the whole body will help you achieve more distance and consistency in your game.

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