How to Treat Blisters on Your Hands
Avid golfer and healthcare professional Heather Rhodes describes the steps to recover from and prevent those painful blisters on your hands.
All our lessons and guides on the gear you need to play your best golf with reliable information on the rules and etiquette of golf.
Avid golfer and healthcare professional Heather Rhodes describes the steps to recover from and prevent those painful blisters on your hands.
Struggling around the green? Christina Ricci helps you diagnose if your wedge, not your swing, is the culprit by determining if you’re a slider or digger.
Golf etiquette is essential for an enjoyable round. Lindsay Knowlton of IronLadyGolf.com shares the basics every golfer should know, from respecting fellow players to caring for the course.
Do you want to get better at golf but struggle to find the time or know how to practice effectively? This course will show you how to structure your practice sessions, master essential drills, improve your short game, and develop a consistent putting routine. Learn how to make the most of your practice time and see real results on the course.
New to golf and trying to understand how to organize your golf bag? Coach Shayain shows how she organizes the clubs and accessories she has in her golf bag.
Karen Palacios-Jansen, creator of CardioGolf® shows how understanding launch monitor data can help you focus on what truly matters and build your confidence.
Face Balanced or Toe Balanced? It really might not be your putting stroke that’s causing you to miss all those putts! Greta Anderson shows how you just might be playing with a putter that doesn’t fit you!
Maria Palozola demonstrates how hybrids take all the best benefits of fairway woods and irons and morph them together for an easier to hit and more forgiving club.
Anne Rollo and Dennise Hutton go through Dennise’s new set of clubs to see what she bought and why and how to get fitted for a new set of golf clubs. If you are not sure what to buy or what to look out for when buying golf clubs, this is the video for you.
Marcela Smith from Girlfriends Guide to Golf explains when a golf ball is defined as lost with a stroke and distance penalty.
Marcela Smith explains the rules when you have a swing and a miss in the tee box/teeing area or if you accidently knock the ball off the tee.
Do you prefer putting with the flag in or out? Christina Ricci likes it out for putts inside 10 feet because the hole looks smaller with it in. Outside 10 feet Christina doesn’t expect to make it so not an issue.