Speed Skate Lunges for Golf -
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Generate More Power in Your Swing with Skate Lunges

Karen Palacios-Jansen demonstrates her speed skater exercise to move your hips through the full range of motion and build strength in your hamstrings, quadriceps and core.

If you are looking to generate more power in your golf swing, you need to be able to move your hips through the full range of motion. You also need to have good strength in your hamstrings, quadricep muscles and core. This exercise hits all those areas.

Many golfers assume that walking and swinging a club for 4 hours is enough exercise. It is great exercise, but it won’t help you get stronger. You have to seek out strength exercises to develop muscle and get stronger. Doing cross back lunges or curtsy lunges, as they are sometimes called or what I call speed skater lunges is a great way to develop strength in your glutes, hips, and legs.

In this video, I take you through an exercise called the speed skater that’s going to hit all those areas to make you stronger so that you can generate more power.

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Improve Your Golf and Fitness with Cardigolf-Speed Skate Lunges
Improve Your Golf and Fitness with Cardigolf-Speed Skate Lunges
  1. Cross Back or Speed Skate Lunges.
  2. Stand in a modified golf stance using a club for balance.
  3. Lunge your right leg behind your front leg as you step to the side.
  4. Squat down and stretch your extended leg out to the side. Hold the position for a moment.
  5. Return to the start position and repeat on opposite leg. Do 8 to 10 repetitions on both legs.

The idea is to do this exercise smoothly and then a little bit faster to get the heart rate going and the blood flowing through eight repetitions on both sides.

Use the speed skater exercise to move your hips through the full range of motion and build strength in your hamstrings, quadriceps, and core to generate more power in your golf swing.


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