Lateral Bounds for Golf - Karen Palacios Jansen
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Warm Up and Create Power with Lateral Bounding

Learning to shift your weight properly is key to adding power to your swing. Karen Palacios-Jansen demonstrates the Lateral Bounding exercise.

Your ability to create power comes from your lower body. If you are lacking power in your golf swing, it could be from a faulty weight shift.

Using only your arms in your golf swing restricts your power and causes a variety of mis-hits. Learning to shift your weight is key to adding power into your swing.

Try lateral bounding to help build a powerful weight shift.

How to do the Lateral Bounding Exercise

For this cardio golf exercise just put your club on the ground and then pretend that it’s your target line as if you were going to swing towards your target.

  • Stand with your feet together.
  • Hop laterally onto your right foot.
  • Immediately change directions and hop laterally to the left foot. Continue hoping side to side without stopping.
  • The key is to hop and land lightly on your feet. Get some air under your feet.
  • Repeat for 10 to 15 repetitions alternating side to side.
  • To make it more challenging, hop with both feet together.

The Lateral Bounding exercise targets your glute and hip flexor muscles and will not only get your heart pumping, it will also help you learn how to generate some power on that transition.


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