Don’t have much time? Here are our short form video lessons to quickly give you a swing thought or practice drill to take to the course or range.

My 3 Keys for Fairway Wood Confidence
If you have lost confidence in your fairway wood shots, this lesson from Class A LPGA Teaching Professional...
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Should You Keep Your Head Down?
Myth or Truth? LPGA Professional Instructor Megan Johnston shows how thinking about turning your right...
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Playing Shots When the Ground is Dry
With many golf courses facing drought and water shortages here are Megan Johnston's top tips for dry...
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The Ideal Alignment Process - Step by Step
Christina Ricci demonstrates her easy to remember 3 step process to make sure that you are aligned to...
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Swing Down the Slope Drill for Better Ball Striking
If you are hitting topped shots because you're trying to help the ball get up in the air try Christina...
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How to Stop Hitting the Ground Behind the Ball
'Hitting it fat' is so frustrating. LPGA Professional Maria Palozola has 3 easy steps and a practice...
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Choke Down when the Ball is Above Your Feet
Your setup is all important when you're playing a ball that's above your feet. Trillium Rose shows how...
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A Better Way to Hit a Soft High Chip
Struggling with your short game? Erika Larkin shows the alternative to spinning your clubface face open...
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When the Ball is Below Your Feet
LPGA and Golf Digest Top 50 Teacher Trillium Rose has some key reminders for playing good shots from...
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Try This Drill When Your Lower Body is Overactive
If your lower body gets too active during the downswing, particularly if your trail hip fires towards...
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Swing Around Your Spine
LPGA Instructor Meredith Kirk demonstrates a simple drill to help you create more rotation and distance...
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The Importance of Hit Location
How important is it to hit the center of the club face? Alison Curdt shows the impact that the hit location...
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Try This Drill When Your Lower Body is Overactive

If your lower body gets too active during the downswing, particularly if your trail hip fires towards the target too soon, this can result in the upper body falling back and poor contact with the golf ball. Grab a wedge and try this drill from Megan Johnston.

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What is Good Tempo?

Cathy Kim explains the importance of a balanced tempo in your golf swing. She recommends a slower backswing and a faster downswing using a 1-2-3 count. This method ensures better control and acceleration, leading to more consistent shots.

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