Don’t have much time? Here are our short form video lessons to quickly give you a swing thought or practice drill to take to the course or range.

Stop Skulling Your Wedge Shots with the Stay in Posture Tee Drill
If you feel like you come out of posture during your wedge shots and skull or blade the ball, this simple...
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Play the Chunk Free Chip Shot
Trillium Rose shows what to do when you've got a tight lie and need a fail-proof chip shot to the fl...
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How High to Tee Your Golf Ball
Try this simple technique from PGA Instructor Stefanie Shaw for teeing the ball with your driver or hybrid...
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Stop Your Early Release or Casting for Better Impact
Trillium Rose has a quick and effective practice drill you can do at home if you tend to cast or release...
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How to Play Out of a Greenside Bunker
Lindsay Knowlton from Iron Lady Golf covers stance, weight distribution and aim in her quick demonstration...
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Having Trouble with your Fairway Woods?
Trillium Rose, Director of Instruction at Woodmont Country Club has 3 great tips to get you hitting solid...
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Get Comfortable Hitting Down on the Ball
The game of golf is full of counterintuitive principles. One of the most difficult for newer golfers...
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What's the Most Common Mistake with a Downhill Lie?
Cathy Kim shows how to avoid fighting a downhill lie with your shoulders so that you can make solid...
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What's the Golf Swing Equation?
Erika Larkin shows how you should aim for equal amounts of body rotation and club release for better...
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Swing Down the Slope Drill for Better Ball Striking
If you are hitting topped shots because you're trying to help the ball get up in the air try Christina...
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Make Better Contact with the Chair Drill
Use your 7-iron and a chair to maintain your posture and improve your ball striking with this quick practice...
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Improve Your Weight Transfer for Better Contact
Are you spinning out or sliding instead of loading onto your lead leg? Cathy Kim shows how to transfer...
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