Don’t have much time? Here are our short form video lessons to quickly give you a swing thought or practice drill to take to the course or range.

How to Get the Golf Ball in the Air
Kristin Walla shows how the worst thing you can do when you want to get the ball off the ground is try...
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3 Simple Things You Can Do at the Range to Improve Your Game
Don't go to the range without a purpose. Here are 3 simple drills from LPGA Instructor Megan Johnston...
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Get to the Perfect Golf Swing Finish with the Walk Off Drill
The Walk Off drill from Cathy Kim will help you practice and feel the correct weight transfer in your...
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How to Play a 40 Yard Bunker Shot
Longer bunker shots are tough! Here's a short practical tutorial from Alison Curdt to give you more confidence...
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How I Practice My Bunker Shots
There are lots of instructional tips on bunker play but what's a good way to practice? PGA Instructor...
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Make Sand Shots a Breeze with these 3 Bunker Downswing Keys
LPGA Instructor Christina Ricci demonstrates how weight and hand position and hitting 2 inches behind...
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How to Get Lined Up Correctly
When you are on the range and see other players using alignment rods have you ever wondered how to use...
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Stop Standing Up on the Ball
Many golfers lose their original posture when they swing leading to poor shots. Cathy Kim shows how to...
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Use Your Head(covers) to Cure Your Slice
This is a simple and effective drill from Erika Larkin that anyone can do to groove an 'in-to-out' swing...
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The Short Lob when you need Loft Around the Green
When you have a short shot around the green and need to send the ball UP, LPGA Professional Instructor...
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Get Your Wedge Shots Close with the Clock Drill
Lower your scores by getting your wedge shots into 1 or 2 putt range with this easy to remember wedge...
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Stop Topping those Drives
One of the most common causes of topped drives is having your hands ahead of the clubface at impact....
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Aiming Your Putter

In this lesson for newer golfers PGA Master Professional Kellie Stenzel shows how to use the lines on your putter and ball to aim at the hole.

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