Stop Hitting the Ball Too High
Do you lose distance by hitting the ball too high? Trillium Rose shows how to lower your launch. Start slowly in a mirror and then gradually build up to a faster and bigger swing.
Don’t have much time? Here are our short form video lessons to quickly give you a swing thought or practice drill to take to the course or range.
Do you lose distance by hitting the ball too high? Trillium Rose shows how to lower your launch. Start slowly in a mirror and then gradually build up to a faster and bigger swing.
LPGA and PGA Master Professional Alison Curdt shows when you’re just short of the green and not too far from the pin don’t take a wedge and try to hit it really high. Hit something low and let it roll up to the hole.
Here’s a quick wrist check at the top of your swing from Trillium Rose to improve your golf. A neutral lead wrist works for almost all amateur players because it helps keep the club in plane on the way down and minimizes unnecessary moving parts.
Erika Larkin shows how to check your backswing and follow through for the correct Letter ‘L’ wrist angles.
LPGA Instructor Meredith Kirk demonstrates a simple tip for regaining your rhythm and tempo and recovering your round when your golf swing is going off track.
Are you struggling with your wedges? LPGA Instructor Meredith Kirk demonstrates how to improve and build confidence in those very important scoring shots.
Good tempo is a product of FEELING the club head and staying with the motion. Kristin Walla demonstrates three great practice drills to help you find your perfect golf swing tempo.
LPGA Class A Instructor Christina Ricci shares her setup and shot keys for getting out of the sand every time.
If you struggle with whipping the club inside during the takeaway phase here’s a good drill from LPGA and PGA Master Professional Alison Curdt. It helps you train the muscles you need to coordinate to get your backswing started outside your hands.
The game of golf is full of counterintuitive principles. One of the most difficult for newer golfers is that you need to hit down on the ball to get it in the air. LPGA Instructor Meredith Kirk shares a great tip to help you hit down on the golf ball.
Erika Larkin shows how a neutral wrist position will help you keep the club on plane and the clubface square leading to more solid and straight hits.
If you feel like you come out of posture during your wedge shots and skull or blade the ball, this simple tee drill from Megan Johnston could be just the visual you need!