Don’t have much time? Here are our short form video lessons to quickly give you a swing thought or practice drill to take to the course or range.

How to Set Up to Hit it Out of the Rough
LPGA Instructor Cathy Kim's two quick keys for playing solid iron shots out of the thick stuff!
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Use Your Head(covers) to Cure Your Slice
This is a simple and effective drill from Erika Larkin that anyone can do to groove an 'in-to-out' swing...
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Playing on Hills and Slopes
You won't always have a flat lie on the golf course. LPGA Professional Instructor Megan Johnston shows...
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Pick the Right Club for Pitching Over Bunkers
Here’s a great tip from Alison Curdt on the right club selection for pitching over a bunker and stopping...
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Follow Your Process and Commit to Your Shot
Always stick to your process and make sure you are comfortable before you hit your shot. Lesson by Cindy...
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Should You Keep Your Head Down?
Myth or Truth? LPGA Professional Instructor Megan Johnston shows how thinking about turning your right...
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Hit Better Tee Shots with a Driver Set Up Check
Trouble in driver-land? Here’s a quick great set up basics check from Trillium Rose to get your tee shots...
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The Short Lob when you need Loft Around the Green
When you have a short shot around the green and need to send the ball UP, LPGA Professional Instructor...
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Plugged Ball in the Sand? Try This!
LPGA and PGA Class A Instructor Cathy Kim shows how to get your ball out of a 'fried egg' lie in a greenside...
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When Your Ball is Under the Lip of a Bunker
Megan Johnston's keys for playing those tricky sand shots when you're standing uphill and close to the...
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Stop Your Early Release or Casting for Better Impact
Trillium Rose has a quick and effective practice drill you can do at home if you tend to cast or release...
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The Putting Connection Drill
Cathy Kim's putting connection drill will help you get a good feel for the path of the club head during...
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10 Ball Practice Range Game

Trillium Rose demonstrates a fun drill/game you can do next time you’re on the range so that instead of just hitting balls you’re actually putting value on each shot just like you do when you play.

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Avoid the “Popped” Shot

Don’t you just hate it when you swing and the ball just pops up in the air? LPGA Instructor Meredith Kirk demonstrates how to hit down and through and avoid those frustrating “popped” shots.

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Trillium’s Quick Shank Fix

Anti Shank Drill by Trillium Rose. “If you’ve had a fit of the shanks you know what I’m talking about. I was asked about this yesterday in the comments of my last lesson so I figured a video is the easiest way to respond! Hope it helps you”.

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