Don’t have much time? Here are our short form video lessons to quickly give you a swing thought or practice drill to take to the course or range.

Three Quick Tips to Fix Your Slice
Grip, clubface, path. LPGA Instructor Kristin Walla has 3 great ways to cure that left to right (for...
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How to Play a 40 Yard Bunker Shot
Longer bunker shots are tough! Here's a short practical tutorial from Alison Curdt to give you more confidence...
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Loopy Backswing? No Power? Do the Lawnmower Drill!
Use Erika Larkin's Lawnmower Drill to really help you create some explosive power through impact so that...
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The Pre-Set Impact Drill You Can Do Indoors
This is a great drill from Maria Palozola for learning to return the club to the ball with perfect impact...
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Fix Your Flat Shoulder Plane and Improve Your Backswing
Struggling with a flat shoulder plane in your backswing? Nathalie Sheehan (@nattiegolf) shares a simple...
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Fix Your Steep Swing Plane with the Level Out Drill
Maria Palozola's Level Out Drill teaches you to flatten your swing plane and angle of attack to help...
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Trillium's Quick Shank Fix
Anti Shank Drill by Trillium Rose. "If you’ve had a fit of the shanks you know what I’m talking about....
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Stabilize Your Lead Leg and Stop Slicing
Erika Larkin demonstrates a practice drill that helps you to stabilize your front leg and create a natural...
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The Keys to Making Long Putts
LPGA Instructor Trillium Rose shows how to handle those daunting long putts across the green. Reduce...
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How your Clubhead Lie Affects Your Shots
Toe up, heel up, flat? What does your clubhead lie look like when you address the ball. Megan Johnston...
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When Your Ball is Under the Lip of a Bunker
Megan Johnston's keys for playing those tricky sand shots when you're standing uphill and close to the...
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Gain More Rotation in Your Golf Swing
Good rotation in your backswing is key to hitting solid shots with more distance. PGA and LPGA Master...
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How to Get Lined Up Correctly

When you are on the range and see other players using alignment rods have you ever wondered how to use them? Trillium Rose shows you how to get set up so that your shots are on target.

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Upper and Lower Body Separation Drill

Do you struggle with separating your upper and lower body and creating torque for power in your swing? Alison Curdt shows how poor sequencing disrupts your swing plane with a great drill to stop pulls and sliced shots.

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The Shadow Drill

Improve your backswing and follow through with Erika Larkin’s Shadow Drill You can do this anywhere there is sun… the course, the backyard, or even the beach.

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