Don’t have much time? Here are our short form video lessons to quickly give you a swing thought or practice drill to take to the course or range.

Train your Arms to Extend Through Impact
LPGA Teaching Professional Megan Johnston shows you a simple practice drill that will improve your impact...
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What's the Golf Swing Equation?
Erika Larkin shows how you should aim for equal amounts of body rotation and club release for better...
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Need Distance? Use Your Big Muscles
Golf Digest Top 50 Teacher Trillium Rose shows how to increase speed and distance using the engine of...
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Rushing Your Takeaway? Swing Tempo Drill
Cathy Kim takes her student Keegan through an easy drill for preventing a rushed takeaway.
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Stop Chunking Your Iron Shots
If you’re tired of hitting the ground first here are a few ideas from Alison Curdt on why you might be...
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Wind Up in your Swing - Don't Rise Up!
Rising up instead of winding up in your swing can take you out of your posture and create too much elevation...
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Playing the 25 Yard Pitch Shot
A great option when you’re near the green and need to pitch the ball with some height but also land it...
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Bump Your Hip to Start the Downswing
Not sure how to start your downswing consistently? LPGA Instructor Cathy Kim recommends a little hip...
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Three Quick Tips to Fix Your Slice
Grip, clubface, path. LPGA Instructor Kristin Walla has 3 great ways to cure that left to right (for...
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Do this Right After You Chip or Putt
Here's a great quick tip from PGA Instructor Gianna Augustine. Always keep your eyes open and watch what...
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Is your Putter Face Square to the Target?
Megan Johnston has a quick drill to help you check the alignment of your putter face on the practice...
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Chipping with a Lower Lofted Wedge
LPGA and PGA Master Professional Alison Curdt shows when you're just short of the green and not too far...
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