Don’t have much time? Here are our short form video lessons to quickly give you a swing thought or practice drill to take to the course or range.

Get the 'Right' Wrist Angles in your Golf Swing
Erika Larkin shows how to check your backswing and follow through for the correct Letter 'L' wrist a...
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Check Your Wrists at the Top of Your Swing
Here’s a quick wrist check at the top of your swing from Trillium Rose to improve your golf. A neutral...
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How to Stop Hitting the Ground Behind the Ball
'Hitting it fat' is so frustrating. LPGA Professional Maria Palozola has 3 easy steps and a practice...
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Get Long Putt Speed and Distance Control
Reduce the number of those scorecard wrecking 3 putts with LPGA Instructor Megan Johnston's trail hand...
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Sidehill! Playing a Ball Above Your Feet
Posture, grip, and aim. Trillium Rose shows you how to set up when you have a sidehill lie with the ball...
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Navigate Uneven Lies on the Golf Course
Katie Dahl shows how to play good shots from uneven lies by making the right adjustments to your setup...
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Stabilize Your Lead Leg and Stop Slicing
Erika Larkin demonstrates a practice drill that helps you to stabilize your front leg and create a natural...
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Do You Thin Your Chip Shots?
LPGA Teaching Professinal Megan Johnston has a simple focus drill to help you get the bottom of your...
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Do You Try to Steer Your Putts?
Keep your putts on the right line with this simple practice putting drill from LPGA Professional Instructor...
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Practice Games with a Partner
Grab a friend and head down to the range and putting green. PGA Instructor Gianna Augustine has two great...
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Don’t Make this Mistake with a Downhill Lie
Cathy Kim on the one of the most common mistakes she sees players make when they have a downhill sta...
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Rushing Your Takeaway? Swing Tempo Drill
Cathy Kim takes her student Keegan through an easy drill for preventing a rushed takeaway.
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Fix Your Open Clubface

Get your wrist and clubface in the best position for more consistent shots. LPGA Instructor Megan Johnston shows how with the tee and glove drill.

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