Don’t have much time? Here are our short form video lessons to quickly give you a swing thought or practice drill to take to the course or range.

Stabilize Your Lead Leg and Stop Slicing
Try this great practice drill from Erika Larkin to help your balance, rotation and speed. You'll start...
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My Top 5 Tips for Women Golfers
Erika Larkin covers the five most common issues for women golfers ... chest, wrists, speed, hitting the...
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Getting a Better Roll on your Putts
LPGA professional Instructor Megan Johnston demonstrates an easy drill for learning to hit your putts...
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How to Clean Your Golf Grips (and Why!)
Lindsay Knowlton from Iron Lady Golf shows you how best to clean your golf grips and how keeping them...
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Learn to Shift Your Weight with the Pressure Feel Drill
If you struggle with hanging back on your trail leg in your swing here's a simple drill from Alison Curdt...
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3 Quick Tips for Great Sand Shots
LPGA Professional Instructor Megan Johnston covers grip, lower body stability and splashing the ball...
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Putting Distance Control Drill
If you struggle with distance control with longer putts, this practice drill from Megan Johnston is for...
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The Short Lob when you need Loft Around the Green
When you have a short shot around the green and need to send the ball UP, LPGA Professional Instructor...
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Bump Your Hip to Start the Downswing
Not sure how to start your downswing consistently? LPGA Instructor Cathy Kim recommends a little hip...
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Aiming Your Putter
In this lesson for newer golfers PGA Master Professional Kellie Stenzel shows how to use the lines on...
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Club Selection and Technique for Better Chip Shots
Christina Ricci from shows you how to play better chip shots starting with picking the right...
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The #1 Reason Why Tour Pros Putt Better than Amateurs
Ann Rollo shows how to immediately improve your results on the green by copying how the professionals...
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2 Tips for Good Golf Posture

Why you need to ‘Proud as a Peacock’ when taking your stance. Anne Rollo shows how getting your golf posture right puts you well on your way to becoming more consistent.

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