Rhythm and Tempo: The Most Important Golf Swing Fundamentals
Better balance equates to better golf. LPGA Master Professional Deb Vangellow shares her favorite ways to discover your golf swing’s natural tempo.
Don’t have much time? Here are our short form video lessons to quickly give you a swing thought or practice drill to take to the course or range.
Better balance equates to better golf. LPGA Master Professional Deb Vangellow shares her favorite ways to discover your golf swing’s natural tempo.
Cathy Kim’s innovative drill will help you putt better though improved clubface control and stroke length. All you need is your wedge!
Toe up, heel up, flat? What does your clubhead lie look like when you address the ball. Megan Johnston shows how it will affect your shots. You may need to get your clubs fitted.
Why you need to ‘Proud as a Peacock’ when taking your stance. Anne Rollo shows how getting your golf posture right puts you well on your way to becoming more consistent.
Reduce the number of those scorecard wrecking 3 putts with LPGA Instructor Megan Johnston’s trail hand putting drill.
Here is a great indoor drill from Lindsay Knowlton that will help you maintain your posture and avoid early extension. All you need is a chair and a golf club (or spatula!) is optional.
You won’t always have a flat lie on the golf course. LPGA Professional Instructor Megan Johnston shows you how to play solid shots from sloping lies.
Looking for a great drill to help your chipping tempo? LPGA Instructor Megan Johnston has a quick tip to help you make pure contact.
Your long backswing may be hurting your tempo and ball contact. PGA and LPGA Class A Instructor Cathy Kim shows how to bring your swing back under control.
Megan Johnston’s keys for playing those tricky sand shots when you’re standing uphill and close to the lip of a bunker.
LPGA Legends Tour player Cindy Miller demonstrates how to relax your wrists and square the clubface to hit the ball straighter.
In this quick tip from LPGA instructor Gianna Augustine learn how to change your ball flight with your iron shots by moving the ball back or forward at address.