Working on your short game (chipping and pitching around the green) is a surefire way to save strokes on your round. Here are our latest lessons for your short game.

Short Game Imagery to Help you Around the Green
LPGA Master Professional, Deb Vangellow uses aircraft landing imagery to get creative around the gre...
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Master the 'L' to 'L' Pitch Shot
Coach Shayain shows you how to hit better pitch shots by understanding your hand action when playing...
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Simplify Your Wedge Game
Are you struggling with your wedges? LPGA Instructor Meredith Kirk demonstrates how to improve and build...
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Use Your Hybrid Around the Green
LPGA Teacher, Elena King demonstrates how using your hybrid in your short game can save you shots.
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Lower Your Scores with the Bump and Run Chip Shot
Michele Low shows how to play a more controlled low flying chip. With shorter swings, reduced wrist action,...
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Do this Right After You Chip or Putt
Here's a great quick tip from PGA Instructor Gianna Augustine. Always keep your eyes open and watch what...
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Chip Away at your Score
Get 'Up and Down'! LPGA Master Professional Deb Vangellow shares the secrets of playing effective chip...
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Chipping it Close from Around the Green
Trillium Rose demonstrates the club selection, setup and action required to get the ball up and down...
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Short Game Imagery to Help You Around the Green
LPGA Master Professional, Deb Vangellow uses aircraft landing imagery to get creative around the gre...
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High or Low for Chipping?
Toss it high or keep it low? Anne and Dennise answer the big question about chipping and pitching.
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Get Your Chipping Tempo Just Right
TPI Certified Golf Coach Michele Low shows how to make more solid contact with your chip shots by learning...
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Expert Guide to Playing Hybrids
Hybrids really are the most versatile weapons in your bag. They can be used off the tee or fairway, and...
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Play Better Pitch Shots

LPGA Master Professional Deb Vangellow’s pitching lesson. If you have a solid full swing that is a blend of body and arms with good rhythm, you can play a good pitch shot.

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Chipping with a Lower Lofted Wedge

LPGA and PGA Master Professional Alison Curdt shows when you’re just short of the green and not too far from the pin don’t take a wedge and try to hit it really high. Hit something low and let it roll up to the hole.

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Simplify Your Wedge Game

Are you struggling with your wedges? LPGA Instructor Meredith Kirk demonstrates how to improve and build confidence in those very important scoring shots.

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What Club Should I Chip With?

LPGA and PGA Instructor Kellie Stenzel recommends newer golfers keep it simple by picking just one club for all their chip shots. Her favorite choice is the pitching wedge.

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