Working on your short game (chipping and pitching around the green) is a surefire way to save strokes on your round. Here are our latest lessons for your short game.

What's Your Best Tip for Beginners?
Our game definitely has a steep learning curve and beginners need all the support they can get. We asked...
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Change How Far Your Pitch Shots Travel Using the Same Club
Teresa Zamboni shows the importance of club path for proper direction and how to make your pitch shots...
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Approach Shot Distance Control
Those 50-70 yard shots to the green can be tricky. Knowing how far your approach shots go with different...
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How to Practice your 10-20 Yard Chip Shots
Karen Palacios Jansen on practicing your chip shots so that you know what club to use and where to land...
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What are the Biggest Misconceptions about Women Golfers?
We're mysterious, misunderstood, and misrepresented! We asked the Women's Golf Group what they thought...
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Do You Thin Your Chip Shots?
LPGA Teaching Professinal Megan Johnston has a simple focus drill to help you get the bottom of your...
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Chip Away at Your Score - Getting 'Up and Down'
LPGA Professionals Hall of Fame instructor Deb Vangellow shares her priceless secrets for saving shots...
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Stop Hitting Fat Chip Shots
Soften your hands and get your weight shift right. Aimee Cho shows you an easy drill to stop you hitting...
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Stop the Chipping and Pitching CHUNK!
LPGA Instructor Kristin Walla shows how to avoid chunking (hitting the ground too far behind the ball)...
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Stop Stabbing your Chip Shots
Looking for a great drill to help your chipping tempo? LPGA Instructor Megan Johnston has a quick tip...
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Changing the Trajectory of your Pitch Shots
PGA and LPGA Master Professional Alison Curdt shows how the launch angle on your pitch shots can be altered...
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The Better Chipping Course
Would you like to save shots around the green? Everything you need to know about chipping from setup...
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Playing from Rough Around the Green

LPGA Class A Instructor Christina Ricci shows how to decide what kind of shot to play based on different types of rough around the green. In this example, the rough is light and fluffy and Christina has a simple technique to get her golf ball over the bunker and onto the green.

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The Better Chipping Course

Would you like to save shots around the green? Everything you need to know about chipping from setup to club selection and even how to play the ‘baby chip’ is in this 10 lesson video course from PGA Master Professional Kellie Stenzel.

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Short Game Basics

LPGA Professional Nathalie Filler covers all the basics of pitching, chipping, sand shots, and putting in this 6 lesson course for newer golfers.

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