Working on your short game (chipping and pitching around the green) is a surefire way to save strokes on your round. Here are our latest lessons for your short game.

Stop Chunking Your Wedges When You Pitch or Chip
Do you dig your wedges into the ground with your chips and pitch shots? Maria Palozola shows how to stop...
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Setting the Wedge and its Bounce on the Ground Correctly
PGA Master Professional Kellie Stenzel shows how to set your wedge to use its bounce to hit a high lofted...
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Hitting Thin Wedge Shots? Level Your Shoulders
Blading your approach shots? LPGA Instructor Megan Johnston shows how keeping your shoulders level will...
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How to Practice your 10-20 Yard Chip Shots
Karen Palacios Jansen on practicing your chip shots so that you know what club to use and where to land...
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Tip the Clubhead Up to Play Better Chip Shots
Cathy Kim shows how to stop the heel of your club from digging in the ground and hit nice clean chip...
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Pitching the Ball Close to the Pin
Learning how to hit accurate pitch shots requires control of the carry distance, trajectory, bounce and...
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Are You a Swatter Around the Green?
If you are too 'handsy' with your shots around the green, switch to Cathy Kim's longer and wider hand...
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Choke Down Indoor Chipping Drill
Here's a great drill from Maria Palozola that you can do inside to help you stop flipping your wrists...
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Should I Use My Sand Wedge or Pitching Wedge?
If you can't decide which wedge to hit with from the fairway near the green, LPGA Instructor Cathy Kim...
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Chipping with a Lower Lofted Wedge
LPGA and PGA Master Professional Alison Curdt shows when you're just short of the green and not too far...
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Which Wedge Should I Use Around the Green?
LPGA Teaching Professional Cathy Kim shows how to select the right club based on your skill level when...
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Stop the Chipping and Pitching CHUNK!
LPGA Instructor Kristin Walla shows how to avoid chunking (hitting the ground too far behind the ball)...
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Take the Chip vs Pitch Challenge

Sue Shapcott shows how players take on too much risk and pitch the ball instead of chipping it. Deciding which shot is more reliable for you will save you strokes and reduce your handicap.

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