Working on your short game (chipping and pitching around the green) is a surefire way to save strokes on your round. Here are our latest lessons for your short game.

Play the Chunk Free Chip Shot
Trillium Rose shows what to do when you've got a tight lie and need a fail-proof chip shot to the fl...
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Where to Land the Ball When You Chip and Pitch
Australian professional golfer and instructor, Anne Rollo with some great tips to help you get your chipping...
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The Short Lob when you need Loft Around the Green
When you have a short shot around the green and need to send the ball UP, LPGA Professional Instructor...
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Which Wedge Should I Use Around the Green?
LPGA Teaching Professional Cathy Kim shows how to select the right club based on your skill level when...
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Improve Your Pitch Shots Drill
If you struggle with hitting solid pitch shots try this great drill from LPGA Instructor Megan Johns...
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The Expert Guide to Short Game Success
What are the best ways to save shots around the green? We asked 16 expert LPGA and PGA instructors for...
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Short Game 101: The New Golfer's Essential Guide to Chipping the Ball with Confidence
PGA Instructor Gianna Augustine shows when and how to chip the ball when the grass around the green is...
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Flop it Like it's Hot! How to Hit Flop Shots
Hitting a high flying and soft landing flop shot doesn't have to be hard. Kristin Walla shows how it's...
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Do You Have a Steep or Shallow Wedge Swing?
Christina Ricci shows how to identify if you are a steep or shallow player. Why? So you can get the best...
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Chip Away at Your Score - Getting 'Up and Down'
LPGA Professionals Hall of Fame instructor Deb Vangellow shares her priceless secrets for saving shots...
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Using your Gap Wedge to Pitch
One of Kellie Stenzel's favorite clubs for pitching is the gap wedge... here's why!
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High Lofted Wedge Over a Golf Cart!!
PGA Instructor Stefanie Shaw demonstrates how to use the bounce of your wedge to get the ball over an...
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Chipping with All Your Clubs

For more experienced golfers PGA Master Professional Kellie Stenzel says learn to chip with several different clubs to have more options for different distances and obstacles around the green.

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Working with Liz on Her Game

Director of Golf at the Walloon Lake Country Club Pete Kelbel and student Liz Krimendahl share five ‘how to’ videos from Liz’ lesson covering full shots and the short game.

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Introduction to the Chip Shot

Kellie Stenzel’s easy to understand guide for new golfers. Chipping is the short game shot that keeps the ball low and running on to the green, and it’s a swinging motion that you already know.

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