Playing the Bump & Run Shot
Once you get more experienced with your short game it is time to introduce the low bump and run shot.
Working on your short game (chipping and pitching around the green) is a surefire way to save strokes on your round. Here are our latest lessons for your short game.
Once you get more experienced with your short game it is time to introduce the low bump and run shot.
In this short video tip, Nathalie Filler from Old Palm Golf Club shows you three easy practice swing checks to help you hit consistently good chip shots around the green.
Distance control on your chip shots can be tricky. Maria Palozola demonstrates how to take the focus away from the flag and on to a landing spot so that you can use the natural contours of the green and get the ball close to the hole.
LPGA Master Professional, Deb Vangellow uses aircraft landing imagery to get creative around the green.
Try this concept! Turn your attention to feeling and swinging the dead weight of your arms and the club just like the bucket demonstration! Don’t jerk it around! This applies to full swing too.
Liz Krimendahl improves her bump and run chipping, bunker shots, and putting in part two of our lesson case study with her instructor Pete Kelbel.
What’s one thing everyone can start doing today to improve their short game? Ben Harpring talks to Gareth Raflewski, trusted short game coach to many of today’s LPGA stars.
Senior Coach at the International Junior Golf Academy, Daniel Jackson shows you how to improve your chipping with the right club selection and technique.
LPGA Master Professional, Deb Vangellow uses aircraft landing imagery to get creative around the green.
Australian professional golfer and instructor, Anne Rollo with some great tips to help you get your chipping and pitching distances just right.
Pete Kelbel teaches when you are just off the green and feel that you are a little too far away to putt, it is time to put ratio chipping into action.
Marvin Sangüesa, with the help of Fiene Nagtegaal, shows you how to use the bounce of the club to really improve your chipping around the green.