Working on your short game (chipping and pitching around the green) is a surefire way to save strokes on your round. Here are our latest lessons for your short game.

How to Hit Good Chips Off Bad Lies
Anne Rollo shows you the best way to chip when you have a poor lie around the green.
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Stop Skulling Your Wedge Shots with the Stay in Posture Tee Drill
If you feel like you come out of posture during your wedge shots and skull or blade the ball, this simple...
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High Lofted Wedge Over a Golf Cart!!
PGA Instructor Stefanie Shaw demonstrates how to use the bounce of your wedge to get the ball over an...
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The Punch Shot - Swing it Slow to Hit it Low
Kristin Walla demonstrates how to play the punch shot when you need to hit the ball out from under low...
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How You Finish on Your Pitches Controls Your Trajectory
Maria Palozola shows how to control the trajectory on pitch shots by finishing your swing low, medium...
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How to Play the Toe Chip Shot
Specialty shots around the green can really help you get up and down. LPGA teacher Kathy Nyman shows...
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How to Stop Shanking your Chip Shots
Maria Palozola explains the four most common causes of shanked chip shots and has a great drill to h...
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Simplify Your Wedge Game
Are you struggling with your wedges? LPGA Instructor Meredith Kirk demonstrates how to improve and build...
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Improve Your Pitch Shots Drill
If you struggle with hitting solid pitch shots try this great drill from LPGA Instructor Megan Johns...
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Use Your Body for More Consistent Chip Shots and Pitches!
Anne Rollo shares the secret to consistent short shots: using your body. Whether you're facing a chip...
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Play the Baby Chip
When you need to play a really short chip shot, Kellie Stenzel's baby chip may be perfect! It is definitely...
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The Brush the Grass Drill for Better Chipping
Kellie Stenzel shows how to practice keeping your clubhead low after the ball and get it airborne with...
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Pick a Landing Spot When You Chip

Distance control on your chip shots can be tricky. Maria Palozola demonstrates how to take the focus away from the flag and on to a landing spot so that you can use the natural contours of the green and get the ball close to the hole.

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Have You Got the Chipping Yips?

Try this concept! Turn your attention to feeling and swinging the dead weight of your arms and the club just like the bucket demonstration! Don’t jerk it around! This applies to full swing too.

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