Working on your short game (chipping and pitching around the green) is a surefire way to save strokes on your round. Here are our latest lessons for your short game.

Stop those Wristy Scooped Chip Shots
Do you have the wristy chip bad habit? Grab an alignment stick and let LPGA Instructor Megan Johnston...
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Save Shots Around the Green with My Favorite Chipping Tips
LPGA Instructor Meredith Kirk demonstrates some simple chipping tips that will help lower your strokes...
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Get Your Wedge Shots Close with the Clock Drill
Lower your scores by getting your wedge shots into 1 or 2 putt range with this easy to remember wedge...
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What's Your Best Tip for Beginners?
Our game definitely has a steep learning curve and beginners need all the support they can get. We asked...
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What is a Flop Shot and How do You Hit It?
Many golfers fear the flop shot and think it is a magic skill that only tour pros have. Maria Palozola...
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Playing the Bump & Run Shot
Once you get more experienced with your short game it is time to introduce the low bump and run shot...
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How to Play a Flighted Wedge Shot
Flighted wedge shots can be really helpful when you want to get close to the pin from a good lie. Here...
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Get Really Good Inside 100 Yards
Many players struggle inside 100 yards. If you’re one of them, watch Christina Ricci's video lesson to...
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Don't Ground Your Club for Better Chips and Shots from the Rough
Kathy Hart Wood shows how hovering your club rather than pressing down into the ground is a better option...
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The Scrape Drill for Pitching Success
This pitching drill from Kellie Stenzel is great for learning to keep the clubhead on the ground for...
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4 Tips for Chipping like a Pro Golfer
Lindsay Knowlton from shows how to set up for success with your chip shots.
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A Key Connection in Chipping that Works Like Magic
If you struggle with blading and chunking your chip shots, Christina Ricci has a trail arm and rotation...
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Do this Right After You Chip or Putt

Here’s a great quick tip from PGA Instructor Gianna Augustine. Always keep your eyes open and watch what the ball does if your long putt or chip is going past the hole. It will help you make the next one!

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Pitching from Thick Rough

LPGA Class A Teaching Professional Elena King shows how to play a pitch shot from the rough by opening the clubface and taking a steeper backswing with your sand wedge.

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Ditch the Flicks from Your Chips

Do you struggle around the green with chip shots that you either skull or hit fat? LPGA Instructor Christina Ricci has a couple of great drills to make sure that you stop flicking at the ball.

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