Can’t Stop Standing Up in Your Golf Swing?
Lifting up in your swing often means you are losing your posture resulting in mishits. Cathy Kim shows how to understand and work on stopping your lift!
Games and Practice Drills that you can use in your practice and warm-up sessions to sharpen up your full swing, short game, and putting.
Lifting up in your swing often means you are losing your posture resulting in mishits. Cathy Kim shows how to understand and work on stopping your lift!
Lindsay Knowlton from IronLadyGolf.com has 3 easy tips to help you sink more putts and boost your confidence on the green.
Susan Vail from Pink Peg Golf demonstrates her hockey stick practice drill designed to improve your golf swing and give you more distance.
Check the speed of the greens and practice your distance control with this fun putting drill from LPGA Instructor Gianna Augustine.
Lindsay Knowlton from Iron Lady Golf shares a practice drill that will teach you how to transfer your weight effectively and get more distance.
Karen Palacios Jansen on practicing your chip shots so that you know what club to use and where to land the ball and let it roll out towards the pin.
Struggling with poor direction and distance control on your long putts? Try Megan Johnston’s simple drill to check if you are moving your body too much when you putt.
With simple practice drills the Pro Golf Gals show how balance is crucial for consistency as well as creating the base for power in your golf swing.
Lower body movement when you putt can lead to poor direction and distance control. This simple practice drill from LPGA Instructor Megan Johnston will help you keep still and hole more long putts.
Regardless of what you are working on, Sue Shapcott shows how to replace your old swing habits with new ones.
Do you struggle with inconsistency with your pitch shots? LPGA Instructor Meredith Kirk shares a game changing tip!
Do you practice like you play? Try these training tips from Dr. Alison Curdt to put yourself in a similar state and prepare yourself for an upcoming competition.