Games and Practice Drills that you can use in your practice and warm-up sessions to sharpen up your full swing, short game, and putting.

5 Ways Hotel Keys Can Improve Your Golf Swing
Watch how to use a plastic hotel key to help improve your grip, clubface position/path, and alignment...
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Stop That Flying Elbow in Your Backswing
LPGA Instructor Megan Johnson has an easy practice drill that will get your trail elbow folding rather...
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Try this Next Time You are at the Driving Range!
PGA Instructor Gianna Augustine demonstrates a great way to transition from driving range practice to...
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Swing Through the Ball with the Trail Foot Drill
If you tend to stay on the back foot and struggle to swing through the golf ball, Natalie Adams from...
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Learn Better Clubface Control with the Tennis Racket Drill
Erika Larkin demonstrates how the tennis racket drill gives you awareness of your clubface position throughout...
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Catch the Ball on the Downswing (Irons) or the Upswing (Driver) with the 'Swing Table'
Erika Larkin introduces the 'Swing Table'. Get your table tilting to match the club you are hitting.
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Ditch the Flicks from Your Chips
Do you struggle around the green with chip shots that you either skull or hit fat? LPGA Instructor Christina...
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Get Lined up with the Railroad Tracks
Having trouble with your alignment? Maria Palozola's Railroad Tracks drill will get your feet, knees,...
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Stop Standing Up in Your Swing (Early Extension)
Practice this easy indoor golf drill from PGA/LPGA Instructor Trillium Rose to fix your early extens...
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Hit Better Iron Shots
This ball striking drill from Alison Curdt will train your lead shoulder to move more efficiently in...
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The 30-60-90 Practice Drill
In this practice session drill from Cindy Miller you’re going to hit three balls at 30%, three more at...
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Fix Your Fat Shots
Erika Larkin takes you through some common causes and fixes for hitting 'fat' shots where you hit behind...
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Stop Heel Strikes with your Irons

If you have a tendency to strike your irons near the heel of your club, Sue Shapcott from Change Golf Instruction has two practice drills to help you hit the center of the clubface and give you feedback at impact.

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The Shadow Drill

Improve your backswing and follow through with Erika Larkin’s Shadow Drill You can do this anywhere there is sun… the course, the backyard, or even the beach.

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Ditch the Chicken Wing

If you want more pars but struggle with the bent lead arm during the follow-through, then try this great tip from Christina Ricci to help you ditch the chicken for good!

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