Stop Your Swing Sway Practice Drill
Eliminating your sway will improve your contact and help you get rid of topped and thin shots. All you need is a chair and Alison Curdt’s easy to practice at home golf drill.
Games and Practice Drills that you can use in your practice and warm-up sessions to sharpen up your full swing, short game, and putting.
Eliminating your sway will improve your contact and help you get rid of topped and thin shots. All you need is a chair and Alison Curdt’s easy to practice at home golf drill.
Christina Ricci demonstrates how overusing your upper body throws your golf swing out of sequence and makes solid ball striking nearly impossible. Christina gives you a simple cue to help improve your transition and get you back to solid shots.
Anne Rollo demonstrates her drill for taking your arms and wrists out of your putting stroke for more consistent results on the green.
Watch Christina Ricci show how to groove the golf swing using a range basket and experience what a good swing with a club should feel like.
If you are someone who stands up in your wedge shots and tries to lift the ball, follow this advice from Cathy Kim and spend some quality time in the sand working on hitting down on the ball.
Karen Palacios-Jansen from CardioGolf.com shows how to keep your clubface square by taking a neutral grip and lining up the face at address. Then rehearse with half swings to start hitting solid shots.
Erika Larkin shows how to check your backswing and follow through for the correct Letter ‘L’ wrist angles.
Don’t be aimless when you’re working on your putting. Gianna Augustine has two great practice drills for you, with and without a practice partner.
LPGA Instructor Meredith Kirk shares an easy to do drill using a headcover to help you create a better launch and get more distance off the tee.
If you struggle with whipping the club inside during the takeaway phase here’s a good drill from LPGA and PGA Master Professional Alison Curdt. It helps you train the muscles you need to coordinate to get your backswing started outside your hands.
Hitting fat golf shots when you hit the ground before you hit the golf ball will cost you distance. Natalie Adams from Smash Factor Golf Coaching shares her top 3 tips on how to start hitting the ball first and then the turf.
If you feel like you come out of posture during your wedge shots and skull or blade the ball, this simple tee drill from Megan Johnston could be just the visual you need!