Beating Those First Tee Jitters
It’s no fun playing when your nerves are on edge. Cindy Miller shows how your focus should be on your plan and pre-shot routine so that you can produce the best possible tee shot.
Presented by Dr. Alison Curdt, the golf psychology section of WomensGolf.com has lessons and advice on the mental side of golf from LPGA and PGA Professionals, and sport psychologists.
It’s no fun playing when your nerves are on edge. Cindy Miller shows how your focus should be on your plan and pre-shot routine so that you can produce the best possible tee shot.
LPGA Master Professional, Deb Vangellow uses aircraft landing imagery to get creative around the green.
When you watch a tournament you see the players constantly referring to their notes. Armana Christianson explains what yardage books are all about.
You need to take action to get results so take the time to practice the changes you make. The latest in Jenny Sevil’s series on golf motivation.
How Natalie Adams approaches scoring well on a tricky par 4. When to go for it, when to lay up, when to play within yourself and when to attack.
Use a scorecard to reveal the potential you have. The scorecard will provide ‘evidence’ that you can play each hole well
Former winner of the ALPG Order of Merit, Jenny Sevil shares her strategies for playing well when the pressure is on!
If you focus on drills and instruction using your preferred learning style, your golf will improve faster. In this video, Cindy talks about the kinesthesia learning style. If you like to ‘feel’ your physical positions when you learn, here’s how you will make the most of your golf instruction.
Jenny Sevil says once you find out what works in your golf swing to produce good shots, repeat this, over and over. Resist trying many different swings.
LPGA Legends Player Cindy Miller writes that you have the freedom to make choices that can change your golf game. Change is possible and you can play better.
To restore your joy on the course try out some of these tips and remember to have fun playing the game. Enjoy all aspects of being on the golf course, not just the score. By Joan King.
What’s your dominant sense? Deb Vangellow on how matching golf instruction to your learning preference pays big dividends.