Strategy & Psychology

Presented by Dr. Alison Curdt, the golf psychology section of has lessons and advice on the mental side of golf from LPGA and PGA Professionals, and sport psychologists.

How to Practice Golf at Home and on the Range
Megan Johnston answers your questions about how much practice you need to do and the best ways to improve...
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Finding Your Personal Rhythm, Movement and Flow
Jerry Brown, author of 'Awaken Your Inner Golfer: Finding Your Flow', describes how you can discover...
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Playing Badly? Reset Your Golf Swing Mid-Round
LPGA Instructor Meredith Kirk demonstrates a simple tip for regaining your rhythm and tempo and recovering...
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Aiming at the Pin is Not Always Your Best Bet
Golf would be much more simple if all we had to do was aim for the pin on every approach shot, Maria...
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Increasing Your Motivation to Change and Improve Your Golf
Clinical psychotherapist and joint LPGA/PGA Master Professional, Dr. Alison Curdt has some concrete steps...
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Playing to the Strengths of Your Game
“Soar With Your Strengths” - Dr. Greta Anderson on how groundbreaking business research can help you...
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The Cure for Your First Tee Jitters
Elena King of Experience Golf at Common Ground has three pointers to help you start your round with confidence...
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Picking a Target During Your Pre Shot Routine
Get deadly accurate! Maria Palozola explains how to pick a target during your pre-shot routine to help...
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Relax and Make More Putts
Maria Palozola demonstrates how to get the tension out of your putting stroke. Tension can make your...
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What's Your Tee Box Routine?
Dr Alison Curdt shows you a few things to be aware of for your tee box routine. Reflect on your own pre-shot...
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How to Play Like a Tour Player
Sport Psychologist, Dr. Nick Molinaro takes you through the do's and don'ts of playing high-level go...
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Our Four Best Tips for Senior Golfers
Anne Rollo and Dennise Hutton share their favorite tips to help older golfers play their best.
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Set an Intention for Every Round

Debbie O’Connell shares a quick tip for golfers to instantly lower their golf scores by setting an intention before playing each round. Debbie emphasizes the importance of focusing on process goals that are within the player’s control, such as taking a deep breath before each shot, having a clear visual of the desired shot, and maintaining a consistent pre-shot routine.

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