Strategy & Psychology

Presented by Dr. Alison Curdt, the golf psychology section of has lessons and advice on the mental side of golf from LPGA and PGA Professionals, and sport psychologists.

Mindful Golf Course Strategy
LPGA Professional Debbie O'Connell takes you through a couple of golf holes to share some powerful techniques...
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Focus on the Back of the Ball
Erika Larkin explains where you should be looking before you pull the trigger and take your swing.
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Create Your Own Focus Trigger
PGA Tour player, Jason Day closes his eyes before he plays a shot. He's not napping. Cindy Miller shows...
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Better Course Management - Know Your Yardages and Select the Smartest Shot
In this course management lesson with her coach Daniel Jackson, Sae Saito demonstrates the benefits of...
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How to Handle Distractions and Keep Your Focus for the Whole Round
Difficult playing partners, noise, slow play .... here's your expert guide with our 27 best tips on how...
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Picking a Target During Your Pre Shot Routine
Get deadly accurate! Maria Palozola explains how to pick a target during your pre-shot routine to help...
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How Often Do You Practice?
In this Question of the Week from the Women's Golf Group, we asked in a typical month during the golf...
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How to Mentally Recover from Bad Shots
Everyone hits bad shots in a round of golf. The secret is not letting those shots derail your round....
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Five Steps to Improving Your Mental Game
Jenny Sevil shares the five mental steps that took her from a struggling golfer and part-time waiter...
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Increasing Your Motivation to Change and Improve Your Golf
Clinical psychotherapist and joint LPGA/PGA Master Professional, Dr. Alison Curdt has some concrete steps...
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The Best Tee Box Strategy For Your Drives
Did you know you can hit more fairways just by teeing up the ball in the right spot? Cathy Kim, Director...
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