From driving to fairway woods, hybrids, and iron shots. All the full swing lessons, tips, and videos from leading LPGA and PGA instructors on

Getting Forward Shaft Lean
The forward leaning shaft at impact is one of the most common features of great ball strikers. LPGA Instructor...
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Stop Your Early Release or Casting for Better Impact
Trillium Rose has a quick and effective practice drill you can do at home if you tend to cast or release...
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Your Body Turn Sequencing Drill
In this valuable video tip from Alison Curdt, learn how to get the correct parts of your body turning...
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The Core Golf Swing Exercise
Karen Palacios-Jansen's body motion golf swing exercise will help you improve your turn and weight shift...
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Is Your Stance Too Wide or Too Narrow?
Sue Shapcott shows the rules of thumb that apply to your stance at address. For example, if your stance...
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How to Play with an Uphill Lie from the Fairway
Ditch the 3-wood! Christina Ricci shows how to be successful with your hybrid club when you have an uphill...
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Work On Your Takeaway at Home!
If you have a tendency to pull the club inside on your backswing, here's a great drill from Lindsay Knowlton...
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Loopy Backswing? No Power? Do the Lawnmower Drill!
Use Erika Larkin's Lawnmower Drill to really help you create some explosive power through impact so that...
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Check Your Wrists at the Top of Your Swing
Here’s a quick wrist check at the top of your swing from Trillium Rose to improve your golf. A neutral...
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"How You Arrive is Perfect" - Playing and Coaching Left Handed Golf
Dr. Greta Anderson switched from right to left handed golf before becoming an LPGA Class A Instructor...
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Improve Your Aim and Alignment
Practice drills from Katie Dahl to help you build good alignment to target habits and hit more accurate...
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The Toe Tap Drill for a Balanced Follow Through
PGA Instructor Janine Barney from Queensland Australia shows how to do her Toe Tap Drill that will get...
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Give Your Snap Hook the Boot

Kristin Walla takes on the snap hook. She shows how a proper grip, swing plane and weight transfer work together to get the ball traveling on a straight and long path.

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Check Your Wrists at the Top of Your Swing

Here’s a quick wrist check at the top of your swing from Trillium Rose to improve your golf. A neutral lead wrist works for almost all amateur players because it helps keep the club in plane on the way down and minimizes unnecessary moving parts.

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Don’t Be a Knee Diver!

Christina Ricci shows that how you are addressing the ball with your knees plays a key role in turning on or off the glutes and core muscles. Watch Christina’s video for the causes and best solutions.

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