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Aim - Maria Palozola

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Should You Aim the Clubface or Your Body First?

Maria Palozola shows you how to set up by aiming your clubface at the ball first and then aligning the rest of your body in line with that initial aim point.

When setting up to hit a shot a common mistake with alignment that I see is players aiming their body to their target and then setting the clubface down. It is very hard to aim your body first and most players don’t get it right.

We know that 75% of where the ball goes is due to the position of the clubface at impact so we want to make sure that we certainly set up with a square clubface at address.

A better recommendation is to set your clubface down first:

  1. Aim the clubface where you want it to go, aim at the target or an intermediate spot between you and the target; then
  2. Making sure that the clubface stays in that position, simply square your body up to your clubface.

If you can do these two things, you can play your shot knowing that you are 75% or more on the way to accurate alignment.

Lesson Video Summary (00:00 = time in video)

00:05 Importance of aiming clubface first, not body
00:10 Common mistake of aiming body first
00:19 Clubface’s impact on ball’s direction (75% influence)
00:35 Recommendation: Aim clubface where you want the ball to go
00:42 Square your body up to your clubface
00:55 Hold clubface down first and ensure it stays put
01:11 Avoid off-line shots by aiming clubface first

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The Pre-Set Impact Drill You Can Do Indoors
This is a great drill from Maria Palozola for learning to return the club to the ball with perfect impact alignment maximizing both control and distance.

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