From driving to fairway woods, hybrids, and iron shots. All the full swing lessons, tips, and videos from leading LPGA and PGA instructors on

How to Play the Knockdown Shot in Golf
Carlos Brown and student Kat Reeves demonstrate the key elements of the knockdown shot to help you have...
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Create Hip Mobility for a Better Swing
Marvin Sangüesa explains how to enhance your golf flexibility with the Mountain Climbers exercise.
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Stop That Flying Elbow in Your Backswing
LPGA Instructor Megan Johnson has an easy practice drill that will get your trail elbow folding rather...
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What's the Ideal Ball Position and Set Up for Hitting Your Driver?
LPGA Instructor Maria Palozola from St. Louis Golf Lessons shows how to check that your driver ball position...
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The Keys to Hitting Crisp Iron Shots
LPGA Instructor Meredith Kirk shows how to consistently hit solid iron shots by getting your swing started...
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How to Build Speed and Power into your Swing
LPGA Top 50 Teacher, Alison Curdt shows how using the ground more effectively in your swing will translate...
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Make a Solid Connection with the Ground Contact Drill
If you are struggling to make consistent, solid contact with the golf ball, Nathalie Sheehan from Golf...
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Better Ball Striking with Body Tilts
Tilting your trail side too early can cause chunks, excessive in-to-out paths, and flippy shots. PGA...
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Stop Whipping the Club Back (Like a Crazy Person)
Christina Ricci shares a tip to help you become more deliberate with your takeaway. You'll maintain control...
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Two Great Weight Shift Fixes
Nathalie Filler demonstrates how to get your weight onto your front foot by practicing the 'step through'...
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Hitting Off a Cart Path
Maria Palozola from answers the question everyone asks when their golf ball is sitting...
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Get Your Swing Tempo Right for More Distance
Christina Ricci shows why the ideal tempo for solid strikes and greater distance is a slower-paced backswing...
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Are You a Hand Lifter in Your Takeaway? (uh-oh!!)

Christina Ricci shows that if you want more distance with accuracy, make sure you are not lifting your hands too early during the takeaway. Keeping your hands low throughout the early part of the swing sets the stage for a successful backswing with width.

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3 Steps to Fix Your Slice

Michele Low shows how to stop slicing the ball and losing distance by correcting your setup and grip, squaring up your clubface at impact and working on your swing path.

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The Shoulder Tilt Drill

In this quick tip from PGA and LPGA Master Professional Alison Curdt learn how to make better contact with the ball by rotating your lead shoulder under your chin.

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Help! I Can’t Stay in My Golf Posture

LPGA Instructor Christina Ricci shows what to do if you cannot stay in your posture throughout the swing. Christina helps you check your balance points that play a key role during your backswing and downswing.

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