From driving to fairway woods, hybrids, and iron shots. All the full swing lessons, tips, and videos from leading LPGA and PGA instructors on

How Important is Your Ball Position?
Sue Shapcott shows that the correct ball position means you will make contact in the right part of the...
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Establish a Great Tempo Before Your Round
Breathe and count! LPGA Professional Instructor Meredith Kirk shows how to establish a good tempo before...
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How to Compress the Golf Ball With Your Iron Shots
Natalie Adams from Smash Factor golf coaching demonstrates an easy way to improve your impact position...
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My 3 Best Drills to Stop Topping the Ball
Anne Rollo shares the three most effective anti-topping drills to eliminate this common and score-killing...
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Hinging the Lead Wrist in Your Takeaway
Christina Ricci's advice for your takeaway to create a solid backswing. Often newer golfers have a misconception...
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Is Your Backswing Good Enough to Get You to the Right Impact Position?
Brian Moose, Director of Instruction at RiverCrest Golf Club and Preserve, takes you through the steps...
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Get Comfortable Hitting Down on the Ball
The game of golf is full of counterintuitive principles. One of the most difficult for newer golfers...
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My 3 Keys to Fearless Fairway Woods
You need to be good with your fairway woods to score well. Susan Vail from Pink Peg Golf shares her three...
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Hitting it Right of the Target? Your Swing May Not Be the Issue
PGA Instructor, Julie Wells says first check your alignment and how you take your stance if you are hitting...
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Should You Tee Up the Ball on a Par 3?
'Should I use a tee peg on a par 3?' is a very common question for golfers. Natalie Adams from Smash...
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Why Your Follow Through is Important
It's a good question: If the ball has already gone, why does the follow through matter? Sue Shapcott...
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Check Your Shoulder Turn and Posture
This drill from Erika Larkin will help you turn your shoulders properly in the right golf posture.
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Load and Explode in your Golf Swing

“I’ve never met one golfer asking for less distance!” Natalie Adams shows how to load in your back swing which will then allow you to explode in your down swing and create maximum club head speed.

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Ditch the Chicken Wing

If you want more pars but struggle with the bent lead arm during the follow-through, then try this great tip from Christina Ricci to help you ditch the chicken for good!

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