Playing the Fairway Bunker Shot
Cathy Kim shows that the key to better fairway bunker shots is creating stability in the lower body while keeping the leading edge of the club from digging too far into the sand.
Don’t get anxious about your bunker play. Our expert LPGA and PGA Instructors give their best advice for playing out of the sand.
Cathy Kim shows that the key to better fairway bunker shots is creating stability in the lower body while keeping the leading edge of the club from digging too far into the sand.
Megan Johnston’s keys for playing those tricky sand shots when you’re standing uphill and close to the lip of a bunker.
The long bunker shot near the green is commonly considered one of the hardest shots in golf. Anne Rollo shows you how to decide whether to play it like a normal bunker shot or more like a fairway bunker shot.
Bunkers made easy by Nancy Lopez Golf Adventure instructors, Teresa Zamboni and Sue Powers. Learn the ‘Play Happy” way to advance your ball from the beach to the dance floor!
Anne Rollo and Dennise Hutton, the ProGolfGals, show how to conquer the tricky short sand shot that’s close to the flag.
If you find fairway bunker shots challenging, this lesson on the setup and swing from LPGA Master Professional Deb Vangellow is just what you’ve been looking for.
On the sand but down the fairway and a long way from the green? Erika Larkin shows the right approach to playing great fairway bunker shots.
If you struggle with distance control from sand, then this tip is for you. Christina Ricci shares some great tips to help you with both short and longer carry shots.
Not sure what you can and can’t do in a bunker? Here’s a short video from the USGA covering the official rules about touching the sand, removing loose impediments, and taking drops.
TPI Certified Golf Coach Michele Low shows how to play what many golfers fear as the toughest shot in golf, the long bunker shot.
Maria Palozola shows you how far to dig your feet into the sand which can help determine how much sand you take and how high or low the ball comes out.
Kellie Stenzel shows where to position the ball and what to do with your feet and grip to ensure that your wedge hits the sand first for your best possible bunker shot.