Don’t get anxious about your bunker play. Our expert LPGA and PGA Instructors give their best advice for playing out of the sand.

When Your Ball is Under the Lip of a Bunker
Megan Johnston's keys for playing those tricky sand shots when you're standing uphill and close to the...
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How to Play Downhill Bunker Shots
LPGA Teaching Professional Christina Ricci shows how the key when your ball has a downhill lie in the...
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The Most Commonly Misunderstood Thing about Fairway Bunkers
There is one thing that a lot of people don't realize about fairway bunkers. Anne and Dennise show you...
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Poor Fairway Bunker Play? Check Your Technique
If you find fairway bunker shots challenging, this lesson on the setup and swing from LPGA Master Professional...
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Tips for Better Greenside Bunker Shots
Michelle Low shares 3 of her favorite tips for bunker shots including how to adjust for success when...
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How to Play Difficult Bunker Shots
High lip, footprints or a buried lie? Anne Rollo and Dennise Hutton talk you through the easy options...
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Easy Bunker Shots With Two Key Moves
If you are struggling with your sand shots Christina Ricci from recommends checking your...
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You Can Use Different Clubs to Play Sand Shots
The simplest way to play the different shots and distances you need out of bunkers is to use a range...
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Play a High Soft Landing Sand Shot (Without Going Over the Green!)
Anne Rollo shows how swinging slowly is likely to result in a poor shot from the sand with some great...
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Digging Your Feet into the Sand in Bunkers
Maria Palozola shows you how far to dig your feet into the sand which can help determine how much sand...
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When Your Ball is Buried in the Face of a Bunker
Kathy Hart Wood shows how to get the ball out of a buried lie in the face of the bunker. So much easier...
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Make Sand Shots a Breeze with these 3 Bunker Downswing Keys
LPGA Instructor Christina Ricci demonstrates how weight and hand position and hitting 2 inches behind...
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