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3 Steps to Fix Your Slice

Michele Low shows how to stop slicing the ball and losing distance by correcting your setup and grip, squaring up your clubface at impact and working on your swing path.

For right handers the slice shot is when the ball starts straight or towards the left side and then curves towards the right, resulting in lost distance (and golf balls!).

  • To fix your slice, start by correcting the setup, ensuring that the body is not aiming too far left (for right handers) compared to the club face.
  • The club face is the main factor in causing the slice, so focus on fixing it before addressing the swing path.
  • A weak grip can cause the club face to open, so strengthen the grip by showing three knuckles on the top hand.
  • To fix the club face, squeeze the elbows together and feel the wrists moving to shut the club face.
  • After fixing the club face, work on the swing path by swinging from 4 to 10 o’clock.
  • Pulling the right foot back slightly can help close the stance and improve the swing path.
  • By following these steps, golfers can hit straighter shots and gain more distance.

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