Picture of Karen Palacios-Jansen

Karen Palacios-Jansen

Karen Palacios-Jansen is a LPGA Master Professional, a NASM (National Academy of Sports Medicine) Certified Personal Trainer, a Nike Golf Performance Specialist and Pilates instructor. From 2016-19, Karen served as Vice-President of LPGA Professionals. She is also a part of the LPGA Education Program, training future members in the United States and Korea. Karen has been voted LPGA Teacher of the Year and has been named to the Golf-Digest Magazine Top 50 Fitness Trainer list.

Recently Karen Palacios Jansen’s CardioGolf® program moved online. CardioGolf® Online Studio has hundreds of workout videos and tips to help you improve your golf game and fitness at the same time. For more information visit

Post Round Stretch Routine for Golfers

Karen Palacios Jansen shows how stretching after your round can help restore muscle imbalances that could lead to swing flaws and injuries. Karen’s post round stretching routine is included.

Help to Stop You Coming Over the Top

Karen Palacios Jansen from has a great tip to get you swinging on the right path and avoiding the ‘over the top’ move that causes slices and pull shots.

Gentle on Your Joints Golf Fitness Workout on the Floor

Whether you’re recovering from an injury, managing joint discomfort, or simply looking to enhance your golf game in a safe and sustainable manner, this routine by Karen Palacios Jansen of is a great workout with no equipment required.

Gentle on Your Joints Golf Fitness Workout

Karen Palacios Jansen from takes you through her 15 minute golf fitness workout to improve your mobility, stability and strength. It’s gentle on your joints and Ideal for senior golfers.

Off-Season Indoor Training for Golfers

Karen Palacios Jansen has three easy ways to practice without a golf club to ensure that your muscles are comfortable with the necessary motions when you get back out on the golf course.

Your Pre-Round Warm Up Routine for Golf

Karen Palacios Jansen shares her quick and easy warm up that you can do before you play or practice, or even on a daily basis to help with your balance, weight shift and flexibility.

Help for Your Slice

Karen Palacios Jansen demonstrates how a faulty grip or swing plane can cause a slice where the ball starts left and curves right (for right handers) with a great drill to help get you back on track.

Stop Chunking and Hitting Thin Iron Shots

Golf performance coach Karen Palacios-Jansen from demonstrates some great drills proven to help you stop hitting those frustrating chunks and thin iron shots.