Picture of Karen Palacios-Jansen

Karen Palacios-Jansen

Karen Palacios-Jansen is a LPGA Master Professional, a NASM (National Academy of Sports Medicine) Certified Personal Trainer, a Nike Golf Performance Specialist and Pilates instructor. From 2016-19, Karen served as Vice-President of LPGA Professionals. She is also a part of the LPGA Education Program, training future members in the United States and Korea. Karen has been voted LPGA Teacher of the Year and has been named to the Golf-Digest Magazine Top 50 Fitness Trainer list.

Recently Karen Palacios Jansen’s CardioGolf® program moved online. CardioGolf® Online Studio has hundreds of workout videos and tips to help you improve your golf game and fitness at the same time. For more information visit

The Importance of the Golf Glove

Have you ever wondered why you are supposed to wear a golf glove and why is there only one? Karen Palacios-Jansen from explains why you should wear a glove to maximize your performance.

How You Should Warm Up for Golf

Karen Palacios-Jansen from demonstrates the general and golf-specific exercise routines you should do for a great golf warm up

3 Drills for the Perfect Backswing

Get your swing off to the perfect possible start with three drills to improve your backswing from Karen Palacios Jansen – The Core Takeaway Drill, the Wrist Drill, and the Weight Shift Drill.