Rhythm and Tempo: The Most Important Golf Swing Fundamentals
Better balance equates to better golf. LPGA Master Professional Deb Vangellow shares her favorite ways to discover your golf swing’s natural tempo.
From driving to fairway woods, hybrids, and iron shots. All the full swing lessons, tips, and videos from leading LPGA and PGA instructors on WomensGolf.com.
Better balance equates to better golf. LPGA Master Professional Deb Vangellow shares her favorite ways to discover your golf swing’s natural tempo.
Anne Rollo’s top 10 tips on playing from uphill and downhill lies. Including those awkward, over the bunker shots.
Toe up, heel up, flat? What does your clubhead lie look like when you address the ball. Megan Johnston shows how it will affect your shots. You may need to get your clubs fitted.
“I’ve never met one golfer asking for less distance!” Natalie Adams shows how to load in your back swing which will then allow you to explode in your down swing and create maximum club head speed.
If you want more pars but struggle with the bent lead arm during the follow-through, then try this great tip from Christina Ricci to help you ditch the chicken for good!
Maria Palozola shows how to hit a reliable draw shot (curves right to left for a right hander) by adjusting your set up and approach to the ball.
Breathe and count! LPGA Professional Instructor Meredith Kirk shows how to establish a good tempo before hitting the first tee.
Play smart golf! ProGolfGals Anne Rollo and Dennise Hutton share their favorite score improvement strategies.
Here is a great indoor drill from Lindsay Knowlton that will help you maintain your posture and avoid early extension. All you need is a chair and a golf club (or spatula!) is optional.
You won’t always have a flat lie on the golf course. LPGA Professional Instructor Megan Johnston shows you how to play solid shots from sloping lies.
Michele Low demonstrates the setup, aim and ball position you’ll need to play better draw shots that start right and turn left towards the target (for right handers).
The Pro Golf Gals Anne Rollo and Dennise Hutton have three great tips to help you drive the ball straighter covering your alignment, setup and tee height.