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How Do I Hit Better Fairway Woods? The Top 3 Lessons

Many women golfers struggle with their fairway woods. Here are the three lessons on fairway woods voted most helpful by members.
Tired of Topping Your Fairway Woods?
Tired of Topping Your Fairway Woods?

The Fix: Chest down and throw the arms. If you struggle with making solid contact with your fairway woods, swing through the ball for more distance, consistency and confidence.

The Lesson: How to Have Success with Your Fairway Woods
The Instructor: Christina Ricci

The No.1 biggest mistake with Fairway Woods
The No.1 biggest mistake with Fairway Woods

The Fix: Stop trying to ‘help’ the ball into the air with your fairway woods.

The Lesson: The #1 Fairway Wood Mistake
The Instructor: Anne Rollo

Having Trouble with your Fairway Woods
Having Trouble with your Fairway Woods

The Fix: It’s Impossible to hit good fairway wood shots if you’re falling back on your trail foot. Push into your lead side to produce that solid strike.

The Lesson: Having Trouble with your Fairway Woods?
The Instructor: Trillium Rose

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