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3 Tips for Hitting Straighter Drives

The Pro Golf Gals Anne Rollo and Dennise Hutton have three great tips to help you drive the ball straighter covering your alignment, setup and tee height.
3 steps to hitting your driver straighter
3 steps to hitting your driver straighter

Women’s Golf Group Buzz

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Explore Our Courses

Our coaching multi-lesson programs for members are crafted to help women golfers enhance their game led by top female instructors. Each program focuses on improving a different aspect of the game.

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Swing Motion Drills
Six great practice drills from Erika Larkin to groove your perfect posture, body, and arms movement.
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9 Fun Golf Practice Games
Video course with nine practice drills and games from Cindy Miller to help you get the most benefit (and fun!) from your next session on the range.
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