Hyo Joo Kim - LA Open - Ben Harpring - Women's Golf
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Is Your Backswing Good Enough to Get You to the Right Impact Position?

Brian Moose, Director of Instruction at RiverCrest Golf Club and Preserve, takes you through the steps you need to take in your backswing to get to the perfect impact position.

Here is a simple test for those of you that sway or those of you that do not get enough rotation into your backswing which can lead to a number of sequencing issues getting to impact position.

My student Sheryl was having problems with getting solid impact, she was seeing thin and heavy shots on a consistent basis because of a sway in her backswing. Sheryl’s right hip would move too far laterally in her backswing and her shoulder rotation was limited and changing her spine angle.  This type of movement was causing her to come down too steep on the ball at impact and not getting far enough to her lead foot resulting in large divots starting behind the ball and/or hitting the ball with the leading edge of the golf club.  If you are seeing these types of shots here is a good way to make sure your backswing is efficient enough to get you to your desired impact position.

Backswing position you need for better ball striking - Brian Moose - Womens GolfSteps For a Solid Backswing

Step 1.  Get in front of a mirror!

Step 2.  Take a golf club and place across your shoulders, cross your arms to hold the club in place with your hands.

Step 3.  Get into your normal address position, check you have balance in your feet, a little bit of knee flex and the appropriate spine tilt.

Step 4.  Turn your chest and shoulders so the club is aligned over your trail foot, right foot for righties and left foot for lefties.  While rotating watch in the mirror to make sure your trail hip did not move laterally.

Step 5.  After you make your rotational move your weight should be 80% on your trail foot and only 20% on your lead foot.

Here are Two Ways to Check For Sway and Lack of Rotation 

  1. If you can lift the front part of your trail foot off the ground so just your heel is touching you have not swayed.
  2. If the golf club across your shoulders has moved 90 degrees you have achieved adequate rotation.

Try these steps and checks out on the range and if you can get to this position in your backswing you will be set to achieve the impact position you need for better ball striking.

Brian Moose - Women's Golf
Brian Moose

Brian Moose is PGA and U.S. Kids Golf certified and has been Director of Instruction at RiverCrest Golf Club and Preserve for over 12 years. During that time he helped create a Women’s Clinic Series tailored to all skill levels.  Students learn the basics of the game from getting their own personal grip to bunker play.  Brian’s teaching philosophy is that all golfers, whether starting from scratch to a seasoned veteran, have a swing signature. He will take your swing signature and teach you as an individual so you can play your best golf.

Brian has also put together a strong junior golf program which includes a pre-season and Post-Season clinic series and Summer Camps that are fun, exciting and engaging.

Contact Brian at RiverCrest Golf Club and Preserve in Phoenixville, PA on 610-733-0413 and follow Brian online at Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Feature photo: LPGA Player and  2014 Evian Champion, Hyo Joo Kim (김효주) at the 2018 LA Open – Photo by Ben Harpring

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