Does Your Golf Glove Fit You?
Kathy Hart Wood sees too many students with baggy golf gloves. Here’s what to look for to make sure that your glove is helping and not hurting your game.
All our lessons and guides on the gear you need to play your best golf with reliable information on the rules and etiquette of golf.
Kathy Hart Wood sees too many students with baggy golf gloves. Here’s what to look for to make sure that your glove is helping and not hurting your game.
Coach Shayain has all the information you need if you are new to golf and not sure about how the teeing area works.
Stay safe and comfortable on the course. Registered Nurse Heather Rhodes recommends the essential contents for your golf bag’s first aid kit.
Would you change the way you eat if you knew certain foods could help you play better golf? Karen Palacios Jansen explains how to fuel up for a round of golf.
Don’t be fooled! LPGA Master Professional Deb Vangellow explains some commonly held myths about golf clubs.
Golf is full of jargon that can be confusing and frustrating especially when you are starting out. Anne Rollo explains some of the key terms used in golf.
Learn how to keep all your golf equipment clean at home and while you are out on the course with Coach Shayain.
A golf glove goes on your forward hand and having a glove can help to stop your grip on the club from slipping. Here are Cindy Miller’s tips for golf gloves.
When you watch a tournament you see the players constantly referring to their notes. Armana Christianson explains what yardage books are all about.
Is your lack of knowledge about golf penalty areas and related golf rules making you fearful about playing with others? In this video, LPGA Professional Dr. Greta Anderson explains how golf penalties work and what those red, yellow and white stakes you see on the golf course mean.
Marcela Smith of Girlfriends Guide to Golf explains the unique rules and new etiquette under COVID-19.
Anne Rollo shows you why you need an impact bag and how to make and use one at home to improve your impact position, power, and consistency.