Equipment, Rules, Etiquette

All our lessons and guides on the gear you need to play your best golf with reliable information on the rules and etiquette of golf.

What are the Parts of a Golf Club?
Golf equipment terms can be very confusing to newer golfers. Dr. Greta Anderson describes all the different...
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What is a 'Whiff' in Golf and is there a Penalty for It?
Marcela Smith explains the rules when you have a swing and a miss in the tee box/teeing area or if you...
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5 Key Changes to the Rules of Golf Coming in 2023
The USGA and R&A have announced changes to the Rules of Golf to take effect on January 1, 2023.
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Why Professional Golfers Use Yardage Books
When you watch a tournament you see the players constantly referring to their notes. Armana Christianson...
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Why You Should be Fitted for Your New Putter
Missing the hole left and right or just can't get comfortable over the ball? LPGA and PGA Class A Instructor...
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You've Got Your First Tee Time. Now What?
Knowing what to do when you first start playing at a course can be very daunting for new golfers. Here's...
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Which Golf Ball Should I Use?
Are you wondering which golf balls are best for your game? Dr. Greta Anderson's insights from this video...
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What Clubs Should You Have in Your Golf Bag?
Legends of the LPGA Tour player Cindy Miller says if you're just starting out, don't feel pressure to...
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Why a Launch Monitor Can Be Your Best Friend
Karen Palacios-Jansen, creator of CardioGolf® shows how understanding launch monitor data can help you...
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Spiked vs Spikeless Golf Shoes - Will Either Help Your Golf Game?
Golf shoes - they are definitely on the list of golf essentials! Do you know the difference between spiked...
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What is the Best Club to Choose for your Short Game Shots
Katie Dahl shows how choosing the right club depending on the situation you can quickly improve the results...
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Which Tee is Right For Me? - The Longleaf Tee System
Michelle Holmes looks at the benefits of the innovative Longleaf Tee System designed to fairly adapt...
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5 Ways to Play Faster Golf

Sue Shapcott covers five of the things that slow golfers down. Play faster you will be more popular with your playing partners and help to step up the pace of play for other golfers.

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