Dr Greta Anderson's video on choosing the right golf ball for your game
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Which Golf Ball Should I Use?

Are you wondering which golf balls are best for your game? Dr. Greta Anderson's insights from this video will help you find the right ball.

In golf, the ball matters – that’s not just a slogan! There are so many variables in our golf game – courses, clubs, our bodies. The one thing that we can know about and can keep constant is the golf ball. The golf ball is the one piece of equipment that we use on each and every stroke. With that said, being more deliberate in our choice of golf ball can help us play better.

Have you ever noticed how experienced golfers typically practice (short game area) with their own balls (never range balls)? They use the same type golf balls they play with on the course.

Why? These golfers know that practice time is a great opportunity to observe, learn and identify what the ball is going to do, how it feels, what it sounds like, and how it behaves.

Perhaps you’re not yet prepared to invest in a professional golf ball fitting – no problem. Regardless, there are some elements to consider when selecting the right golf ball for you:

Affordability: Can you afford to play with this model golf ball, knowing where you are right now in terms of your skills development (e.g., am I okay with losing a few of these)?

Try Before You Buy: Identify a few balls that you believe might work for you. Purchase a sleeve of each of them, then play and practice with each for a reasonable amount of time to evaluate before making the full investment into a dozen of any of them. Once you’ve identified a proposed finalist, commit to exclusively playing and practicing with the model of ball for at least 60-90 days to better determine if it’s the right one for you.

Rainbow of Choices: Most every golf ball manufacturer now offers great quality golf balls in an array of colors. So in addition to compatibility in terms of affordability and playability, you can factor your aesthetic preferences into your choices!

In golf, there are lots of things that we don’t always have control over. But it’s important to make good decisions about the factors within our own game that we can control, so consider these factors when deciding which golf ball you should use.
