Learn to play and improve your golf with our expert team of LPGA and PGA qualified teaching professionals.

How to Compress the Golf Ball With Your Iron Shots

Natalie Adams from Smash Factor golf coaching demonstrates an easy way to improve your impact position and get your hands ahead of the golf club through impact. You will compress the golf ball and improve your strike with your irons.

Stop Those Flippy Wristy Chip Shots

LPGA Teaching professional Debbie O’Connell’s quick tip on how to practice chipping without the flip using just an alignment stick.

Get Serious Spin From the Sand

If you want more pars and serious spin from the bunker, try this great tip from Christina Ricci. You’ll experience hop & stops and your sand shots finishing closer to the hole.

Chipping onto a Downhill Slope

Trillium Rose shows how to play a short chip shot with a sand wedge when there’s a downhill slope between your ball and the flag.