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How Can I Stop Duffing My Chip Shots?

Is there anything more likely to drive you crazy than hitting a fat chip shot? Here are the top 3 solutions as ranked by Women's Golf Members.
How to Stop Chunking and Skulling Your Chips
How to Stop Chunking and Skulling Your Chips

Fix: Use the bounce of your wedge and a shorter follow through to hit great chip shots.

Lesson: Stop Chunking and Skulling Your Chip Shots
Instructor: Kristin Walla

Stop Hitting Fat Chip Shots
Stop Hitting Fat Chip Shots

Fix: Stop hitting the ground behind the ball by softening your hands and get your weight shift right.

Lesson: Stop Hitting Fat Chip Shots
Instructor: Aimee Cho

Chunk Proof Chip Shot
Chunk Proof Chip Shot

Fix: A fail-proof chip shot to the flag when you have a ‘tight lie’ (not much grass under the ball).

Lesson: The Chunk Free Chip Shot
Instructor: Trillium Rose

Women’s Golf Group Buzz

Kathrine - Group 220325

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