Stop the Chipping and Pitching CHUNK!
LPGA Instructor Kristin Walla shows how to avoid chunking (hitting the ground too far behind the ball) your chip and pitch shots.
Kristin Walla is an LPGA professional and played D1 College Golf at the University of Texas. She has worked at the Jim McLean Golf Schools with players from all over the country and all skill levels.
Kristin played professionally on the LPGA Symetra Tour and enjoys teaching both beginners and elite players at the Pine Valley Country Club.
Kristin’s teaching credo is “Golf doesn’t have to be hard.” There are a lot of ways to learn golf, but none as fun as the Walla Way.
Contact Kristin Walla on 512.661.8714 or by visiting
You can also follow Kristin on Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube.
LPGA Instructor Kristin Walla shows how to avoid chunking (hitting the ground too far behind the ball) your chip and pitch shots.
Kristin Walla demonstrates how to play the punch shot when you need to hit the ball out from under low hanging trees.
Putting is 40% of your strokes but 90% of your improvement in scoring! LPGA Instructor Kristin Walla has 3 great ways to instantly boost your results on the green.
Kristin Walla shows how you probably suck at flop shots because you have too much tension and you’re swinging too hard. You gotta have freedom and flow to flop.
Pitch shots have more airtime and less roll. LPGA Professional Instructor Kristin Walla shows how to select the right club and swing length to get your ball close to the pin when you’re pitching.
Kristin Walla demonstrates a simple drill to reduce your 3 putts! Those things kill your score. Connect your distance perception to your distance control and be more instinctive when you putt.
When you find yourself buried deep in a pot bunker here’s Kristin Walla on how to serve that fried egg perfectly. Forget how you normally hit a bunker shot and do the exact opposite.
From pre-shot routine to developing your swing, don’t waste your time and effort on the wrong things. Kristin Walla shows how anyone can drastically speed up the time it takes to get good at golf.
Kristin Walla shows you how to use the bounce of your wedge and a shorter follow through to hit great chip shots.
Kristin Walla’s sand secrets. Focus on your wrist mobility and grip, and use the bounce of your sand wedge to get out of the bunker every time.
Hitting a high flying and soft landing flop shot doesn’t have to be hard. Kristin Walla shows how it’s done.
What’s your ‘Go To” club around the greens? Kristin Walla shows the different options for getting that scorecard saving up and down!