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Stop Your Shank - Top 3 Lessons - Womens Golf

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The Best Ways to Stop Shanking the Ball – Top 3 Lessons

The shank is the most feared mishit in golf. Here are the three lessons and drills on fixing a shank (including shanked chip shots) voted most helpful by WomensGolf.com members.

What is a Shank

A shank happens when you hit the ball with the housel (the intersection of the clubhead and the shaft) of the club. It doesn’t matter if the face of your club is open, closed or square, a ball struck on the housel of the club will exit almost directly to the right (left if you’re left handed) with no height and no distance.

The Fix: Erika Larkin shows the cause and a cure for the dreaded shank where the ball hits the hosel (where the shaft is connected to the clubhead) rather than the clubface.

The Lesson: Fix Your Shank
The Instructor: Erika Larkin

There’s nothing worse in golf than shanking the ball! Trillium Rose shows you an easy way to get your swing on the right track and avoid the shank.

The Lesson: My Quick Fix for Your Shank
The Instructor: Trillium Rose

The Fix: Maria Palozola explains the four most common causes of shanked chip shots and has a great drill to help.

The Lesson: How to Stop Shanking your Chip Shots
The Instructor: Maria Palozola

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WOMENSGOLF.COM is owned and operated by the Women’s Golf Group, the world’s most popular online community of women golfers. Right now you can become a Women’s Golf Member for less than $1 a week with instant and unlimited access to all lessons, groups, lesson requests and bookmarking.

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