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Grip Pressure Drill - Karen Palacios Jansen

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Improve Your Swing with the Grip Pressure Drill

If you've been struggling and not hitting consistent shots then it may just be your grip pressure. Here's a drill from Karen Palacios Jansen to get your grip pressure just right.

A lot of people overlook the importance of the grip pressure in the golf swing. The stronger you are in hands and wrists, the lighter you can hold club (light grip pressure creates clubhead speed and helps square clubface at impact).

Here is a little drill to help you find your ideal grip pressure and increase strength in your hands and wrists. You want to alternate taking practice swings with light and tight grip pressure. You will see that the tighter you hold the club, the less fast you can swing and the lighter you hold it, the faster you can swing.

Alternating back and forth with tight and light grip pressure will help you find what is right for you and help you develop some strength which is especially important for women.

5 Ways Hotel Keys Can Improve Your Golf Swing
Watch how to use a plastic hotel key to help improve your grip, clubface position/path, and alignment with LPGA Master Teaching Professional Karen Palacios Jansen.
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Karen Palacios-Jansen has a quick drill to help you with the common swing fault known as 'coming over the top'.
3 Drills to Improve Your Weight Shift
Use the Body Motion, Step & Swing, and Shift & Turn Sequence Drills from Karen Palacios Jansen to learn to move your weight correctly in your golf swing.

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