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Golf etiquette is essential for an enjoyable round. Lindsay Knowlton of IronLadyGolf.com shares the basics every golfer should know, from respecting fellow players to caring for the course.
Rain or shine, perfect your swing indoors! LPGA Master Professional Karen Palacios-Jansen shares how indoor practice with technology like golf simulators and focusing on external swing cues can dramatically improve your golf game.
Check that your swing path isn't causing pulls and push shots or slices and hooks with this great drill from Maria Palozola.
If you struggle with an out-to-in move from the top of your swing Alison Curdt's drill will help you feel the right positions to get your shaft on plane resulting in better ball striking.
Do you want to get better at golf but struggle to find the time or know how to practice effectively? This course will show you how to structure your practice sessions, master essential drills, improve your short game, and develop a consistent putting...
Erika Larkin takes you through some common causes and fixes for hitting 'fat' shots where you hit behind the ball.
Posture, grip, and aim. Trillium Rose shows you how to set up when you have a sidehill lie with the ball above your feet.
LPGA Class A Instructor Christina Ricci demonstrates the key difference between the way professionals and amateurs use their lead shoulder in their backswing.
Struggling with a flat shoulder plane in your backswing? Nathalie Sheehan (@nattiegolf) shares a simple fix: add side bend and rotate into your backswing to maintain posture and improve ground contact.
Christina Ricci recommends taking a look at the length of your backswing. Having a keen sense of where your hands and the clubhead are is critical for improved ball striking.
Top 50 LPGA Best Teacher Sue Powers, shares her putting practice drill to lower your scores and give you more confidence on the greens.
Struggling with an inconsistent swing path? Instructor Sue Shapcott breaks down the crucial difference between "laid off" and "across the line" at the top of your backswing, and how these positions directly impact your ball flight.