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Do You Swing on Your Toes or Heels?
Christina Ricci has essential tips for golfers struggling with balance in their swings by focusing on the takeaway and ensuring a proper setup.
4 Ways to Manage Your Anger and Frustration on the Golf Course
Try these proven mental strategies from Joan King the next time you feel your anger, stress, and frustration rising on the golf course.
How Do I Get Out of Bunkers?
Are you sick and tired of leaving your golf ball in the sand? Here are the top 3 lessons on the subject as ranked by Women's Golf Members.
Stop Your Early Release or Casting for Better Impact
Trillium Rose has a quick and effective practice drill you can do at home if you tend to cast or release the club too early.
How Important is Your Ball Position?
Sue Shapcott shows that the correct ball position means you will make contact in the right part of the swing and more likely to hit a good shot.
How to Putt When It's Windy
Anne and Dennise show just how much wind effects putts with tips including where to aim to allow for the wind.
Rushing Your Takeaway? Swing Tempo Drill
Cathy Kim takes her student Keegan through an easy drill for preventing a rushed takeaway.
Warm Up with the Shoulder Rotators to Pivot Drill
Double benefit! Warm up and learn the correct weight shift movement with Karen Palacios-Jansen's Shoulder Rotators to Pivot drill.
Playing Risk-Free Fairway Bunker Shots
Sue Shapcott shows how to get the ball out of a fairway bunker and safely back in play.
Need Distance? Use Your Big Muscles
Golf Digest Top 50 Teacher Trillium Rose shows how to increase speed and distance using the engine of your swing.
Chip Away at Your Score - Getting 'Up and Down'
LPGA Professionals Hall of Fame instructor Deb Vangellow shares her priceless secrets for saving shots around the green. LPGA Tour Photographs by Ben Harpring.
The Punch Shot - Swing it Slow to Hit it Low
Kristin Walla demonstrates how to play the punch shot when you need to hit the ball out from under low hanging trees.
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