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Golf Fitness

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Exercise drills and nutritional information tailored for golf designed to sharpen up your cardio and strength game ready to play and enjoy golf.

Back and Chest Opener for Golfers

Karen Palacios-Jansen from CardioGolf demonstrates the right way to stretch the muscles that affect how your shoulders turn in the golf swing.

Warming Up for Golf in the Summer

Even in the warmer weather, Karen Palacios-Jansen recommends that every round of golf you play and every workout session starts with a warm-up routine.

How Important is Balance in Golf?

Marvin Sangüesa describes the importance of balance in golf and, with the help of 9-year-old Layla, shows the best way to use a balance board.

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After your first login your browser should autofill your password. If it doesn’t, here is some information on how to change your settings.  Contact Jane if you need assistance.