Don’t get anxious about your bunker play. Our expert LPGA and PGA Instructors give their best advice for playing out of the sand.

Long Bunker Shots: When to Splash and When to Pick?

The long bunker shot near the green is commonly considered one of the hardest shots in golf. Anne Rollo shows you how to decide whether to play it like a normal bunker shot or more like a fairway bunker shot.

How to Play Short Bunker Shots

Anne Rollo and Dennise Hutton, the ProGolfGals, show how to conquer the tricky short sand shot that’s close to the flag.

How to Play Fairway Bunker Shots

On the sand but down the fairway and a long way from the green? Erika Larkin shows the right approach to playing great fairway bunker shots.

Learn Distance Control from Bunkers

If you struggle with distance control from sand, then this tip is for you. Christina Ricci shares some great tips to help you with both short and longer carry shots.

Set Up for a Great Bunker Shot

Kellie Stenzel shows where to position the ball and what to do with your feet and grip to ensure that your wedge hits the sand first for your best possible bunker shot.

Bunker Shot with the Ball Way Below Your Feet

If you want more pars, join Christina Ricci for this very slippery bunker shot. The ball is wayyyyy below her feet. Not an easy situation! Fingers and toes crossed for this one as Christina shares the key points for success.